How to manage my API keys?

Navigate to AvaCloud's application and log in.

Creating a new API key

To create a new API key, users can go to the “Web3 Data API” tab and click “Add API Key”. If users do not have any active keys, the Create API Key panel will pop up automatically.

Assign the API key a name, optional private subnet and "Read-Only" scope, and click Create.

NOTE: The name of the API key must be at least 3 characters long. Also, users are able to have a maximum of 3 API keys at a time in their account.

There will be a pop up that the API key was created successfully. Once the API key is stored somewhere safe, click Done.

NOTE: The API key will only be shown once. Please copy the key and store it somewhere safe immediately. It will not be shown again.

Once saved, users can view all the created API keys in the Dashboard.


Deleting an API key

To delete an API key, click on the trash can icon on the far right of the key, and then click Delete.


For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.